Saturday, April 22, 2006

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What the future brings is a great mystery... a t0pic in which the great phil0s0phers seek t0 f0rtell... what is there that t0m0rr0w shades... what is there t0 be hidden in such a manner where humanity has n0 image 0f... what is written in 0ur palms that we 0urselves cann0t see until they c0me... what is the future? what is 0ur destiny?

A n0rmal pers0n w0uld want t0 see his future... s0 that he c0uld change what is there t0 arrive... h0wever such scenari0 w0uld mean destructi0n t0 equilibrium... the manner in which the w0rld runs ab0ut... everything happens bec0z it needs t0 happen.. they happen bec0z there is need t0 do so... they happen t0 equalize and n0rmalize the life 0n earth...

pe0ple say that life ,as what is, has been written by a supreme being... written in scr0lls and manuscripts... encoded by wh0m we shed 0ur lives fr0m... a presedential decree f0ll0wed until eternity... 0ur life has been given birth even bef0re we are ever b0rn... the time by which i type this and the ideas that rushes int0 me is kn0wn even bef0re i turned this c0mputer 0n... every r0tati0n 0f life was made in advance...

What happens in 0ur lives were never mistakes n0r chance... they were all 0ath t0 happen... s0me things hurts.. but th0se burden were there with reas0n... s0me happy gags happen... c0z they are there f0r a reas0n... tears fall and cries ech0es... they happen... c0z their is a reas0n...

we may n0t see what the future is ahead 0f us... but surelly what may happen is n0t a fault... rather a destiny... what must happen is n0t chance... rather fate... what we are is what we must be... s0 never waste what is t0day f0r what is t0m0rr0w is s0mething s0 different fr0m what it was...

life was w0ven fr0m the first day it was made... Life happens... things are destined... it just takes wh0... h0w... when... it must happen...

I`ve g0ne 0ut...