Monday, December 31, 2012

The Resolute Resolution for 2013...

            What seems to be the greatest dilemma one could ever have is how one should live his life. There are numerous choices and paths. However, not one has a definite sneak peek which we could look into. It was never like a movie CD case where the story is bleakly stated at the back. We are bound to decide and are left to live with what choices we have made – may it be bad or good.
            You’d be lucky enough if all the pieces you pick fits perfectly into your grand schema. But, that is to say you are quiet heaven’s favorite. For most of us, we are in a roller coaster. We’ll need to shout because we barely have any idea where the turns and dips will be. But, we just always need to take that big leap of faith.

            Now we are hours away from New Year. It is the date when we are given a made-to-believe new beginning. It’s where there is an abundance of a so-called new chance to re-arrange the path of our life. Seldom do people realize that revisions in our life only start when we act upon it. You can say you’d be different come the 1st day of the year. However, in truth, you just said this because it’s a trending thing to do. There is simply a bandwagon of trying to trick ourselves that the New Year should be a better year for us.

            What we need right now is action – not because it is the New Year. We act because we know there is a need to do so. There is never a need to write it in paper so that we’d have a reminder. This reminder that will simply be a failure to us come the end of the next year as we failed to act on it. We choose our path, make sure that everything happens the way we want it to be, and (if things don't come out as we like it to be) we live with it.

Happy New Year to everyone! Welcome to 2013!