0ur life may be the greatest shit the creat0r gave us... it might be a sp0iled and stressful j0urney t0wards n0thingness.. It c0uld be a burden which is quiet a difference fr0m the belief that it is a gift... but even with such depiction... we sh0uld be reminded that it is abs0lutely SPECIAL...
have y0u ever th0ught h0w w0nderful has it been made that a human has the essentiallities t0 live, learn and d0minate... the exact mind t0 c0mprehend... the exact senses t0 predict... the exact c0mp0siti0n t0 which we shall survive... We were given the p0tential t0 surm0unt life`s greatest challenges...
H0w precise it is f0r 0ur life t0 be created 0ut 0f s0mething... Science may have pr0ved the pr0bable cause 0f life... h0wever they have been appr0ximate in pr0ving h0w accurate has it been that a child is born fr0m a m0ther`s w0mb... h0w perfect was it that the right elements that c0mp0se the b0dy c0njured int0 0ne amazing life... guess science is n0t that erudite en0ugh t0 get 0ver b0ard the supreme being... h0w ever pr0cess might have 0ccured 0n h0w i was created fr0m my m0ther`s tummy... I`ll beleive that i was hand-made by G0d... I was m0lded fr0m His sincerity... a hand must have been 0mniputently present in my m0thers`s w0mb and brewed me int0 a perfect creati0n.. a perfect pers0n... a perfect life...
Life as y0u live it n0w may have been t0psy-turvy... but that was n0t cause by life itself... it was created by y0u... the paintbrush was given t0 y0u after y0ur birth... G0d made y0u an art... He left it up t0 y0u h0w y0u`d make s0mething 0ut 0f a perfect art.. He trusted you... s0 while the paint is still en0ugh why n0t c0l0r it back int0 w0nderful c0l0rs...
Life is special... We cann0t see it c0z we have been hiding its glam0ur fr0m sheets 0f unending c0ncealment... we have been suppressing the gr0wth 0f a w0nderful fl0wer... that it must have always been... Life is n0t a trash if it were n0t made 0ne... It`s s0mething with shimmering elegance... an iridescent diam0nd turn dull by 0ur 0wn deeds...
While we have time t0 live it greater... why should we terminate... rather we sh0uld initiate... we sh0uld 0verawe every0ne... sh0w them the p0tentialities 0f life.... sh0w them h0w distinct life is.. life is special... and whatever happens it will always be the m0st majestic gift 0f all..
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Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
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