what was in davinci c0de that pe0ple made a big issue 0ut 0f it? Sue me if y0u want... but ive res0rt myself in watching the m0vie illegally... c0z their is n0 chance i can watch it in a m0vie h0use... s0 Yes... a kid kn0cked 0n my wind0w when i was g0ing h0me last saturday... asking me t0 buy... and bec0z i really wud want t0... i b0ught it p75.. even half the price 0f the n0rmal m0vie ticket..
n0w n0w.. what`s with the st0ry that alm0st every0ne { even my father f0r that matter - he cursed me cause he caught me watching it and the stupid beast sp0ke as if he knew anything ab0ut that... he wish..} is against it... just like h0w i t0ld my father... are y0u that weak 0f faith.. that such a fetish blasphem0us m0vie c0uld alter the b0rn religi0n in y0u? Why are th0se pe0ple scared? what is their t0 be scared 0f? are th0se information true thats is why their asses are flaming with guilt?
early that saturday.. i was in the h0use 0f a cl0se friend... I was their t0 share their celebrati0n 0f blessing the h0use.. everything was n0rmal... the visit0rs the prayers... but their was 0ne thing that really made me mad.. the priest went in to my friends r00m { he was d0ing the wet-everything-with-h0ly-water ritual...} ... he saw the b00k davinci and said.. in insulting manner { as t0ld by ate she} `` wag it0 basahin nu ah... ung bible``... ha?! that was abs0lutly the m0st senseless thing i`ve heard fr0m a cath0lic priest...
havent the church knew that even jesus ... the pers0n they/we praise and l00k up t0... never apprehended the beliefs 0f 0ther pe0ple... g0d made free will.. he wanted us t0 ch00se what t0 believe... what t0 live thr0ugh... but what is happening is that we are given what t0 choose by the same person who taught us of the free-will thing... Why are they scared so much if they kn0w it was all lie... hmmm... they made it appear that they are m0re guilty f0r acting aggressively...
I myself... wh0se age bel0w 18 - the age wh0 they THINK c0uld N0T understand ... a believer of cath0licism... did n0t even take it seriouslly when i was reading the b00k... I was free 0f any d0ubt that it was true... but what made me think twice was the reaction by the g0d-centerd-persons..epitomes-of-the-almighty... voices-of-god... it was they who push me to think it was true... the book did n0t c0mpel me that much... the b00k was even far fr0m blasphem0us... they t0ld th0se inf0rmati0n... but the b00k did n0t dev0id the religion... they just said s0mething hidden... the wr0ng d0ing 0f the ruler 0f the church... but n0t the wr0ng d0ing 0f god and jesus... they must have accepted it... c0z even hist0ry supp0rts it... n0t the mary magdaln matter f0r that scenari0.. but the bl00dshed.. the killing.. the 0ppression... even the choosing 0f gospels f0r what THEY think is m0re useful... and 0thers hidden... i then thought... they were n0t defending god`s 0r jesus` divinity.. they were rather pr0tecting their 0wn self agenda.. their 0wn p0wer 0ver the w0rld.. as what is suspected...
They say it was scandal0us... that is why the are forcing its information lost in history... but have they not believe god that much... jesus taught... l0ve y0ur enemy... jesus taught... let pe0ple think what they think... jesus taught... let the people see and believe... jesus taught... believe in him cause when in troubled times he would be their to right what is wrong... jesus taught... the very 0pp0site thing the church has been d0ing n0w...
Im abram... 16 yrs old... living in caloocan.... son of virginia and estanislao... from the clan of lumbang and arabia.. I have read and watch the davinci code... I was b0rn catholic.. lived cath0lic... and will die cath0lic... Im here to serve god... but n0t the church by which the catholicism came from.. i still believe but d0ubts that the church is holy... find me if you want ... Im n0t scared.. I stand by my faith as a catholic.. but stands away fr0m the church... in my mind still lingers a question... who threats more of debunking my belief? the b00k and the m0vie whose artful creation was fantastic which is being 0ppressed coz of the LIES {as told by the churh} it has revealed... or the church that shows guilty bey0nd doubts...
Just like has it been said.. let them see... and let them be the one to judge.. which is which is not...
1 comment:
actually da vinci is shown in other cinemas (not sm)... wahehehe...
i havent watched it though. argh!
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