Friday, June 16, 2006

[] 1st WeeK []

Classes has already resumed... Just like how it happens for the past 12 years... you wake up... get dressed... get things ready... ride all your way to school... meet old friends... meet new ones... you go off to class... attend orientations... and other more things I wont waste time writting... the point is... everything just happens as it always do... but their is one difference... you are now in a new school... new terrain... new place... new professors... and that new home im in now... is the University of the Philippines... Yes, my friends... Im part of the lucky people... who for some reasons... are accepted and is here to make something good out of the taxes you pay to the government...

The fees are not as high as the other universties... that is why facilities in the campus may not be the first class... the rooms may only be equipped with two ceiling fans... equipments may be lacking... but though in such a condition... Im still proud... Why? simply because.... " UP kc..." just like how the high officials who spoke their speeches... We might not have the best of equipments... We might not have the most highly paid professors <>... at least... the wisest of minds are here... that simple... that great...

Im proud to say... my schedule is one of the best... some people even envy me... why? let us put it this way... I enter school early.. and I end it early too... and when I say early... I mean EARLY! My first class start at 8:30 am ... and ends at 11:30 am during tuesdays and fridays... while 1 pm during the other days...

but though with such luck in winning myself such a schedule... I received an equal bad luck... Lets begin with my place of class... during monday & thursdays ... My subject locations are alternate... I shall explain... We have building 1 and 2 ... my first class starts at 3rd floor of bldg 1... the next class is in bldg 2 also 3rd floor... after which... the last class is then catered in the next room a hall way away from my 1st class room... which is yes... also 3rd floor... see!

The next bad luck... I thought I was not going to have a math class... and I was glad for that ... everyone must know I flunck my math class... ALWAYS! but all that was then major class is Philo 12... intermidiate logic... everything was normal... the syllabus was then shown to us.. in it... capitalized as topic titles: Propositional CALCULUS and Predicate CALCULUS... so much for my luck... my major is so Math-ish!! worst case... its CALCULUS... may be harder than Algebra , Trigonometry & Geometry put together.. and to make it much fun... I never listened in my proving lessons in high school... Isn`t that so great!?

So much for that... College might be a great adventure... oh well.. it all starts here they say... so... lets be happy we are here... That may be all for now... Go UP... Go CSSP... Go Philo Majors... Go block N-5... hehe...

1 comment:

Arlaj said...

Work-out? Ha ha! =)