They are pe0ple wh0 lives with us in 0ur daily r0utine... they c0me t0 0ur life when we are m0st devastated... they share us their j0kes t0 laugh with... st0ries t0 emulate int0... w0rds t0 p0nder... they are their when we need them... when we feel we are left 0ut by h0w fast 0ur life is running... they are their when we get s0 dizzy running in circles with lifes m0st intricate r0ads... When we cann0t find refuge... when the st0rms caught us 0ff-guard.. when we are d0wn waiting f0r a hand t0 pull us up... they are th0se pe0ple we w0uld want t0 be with always f0r they care... they never left... they are always there t0 back y0u up... they are y0ur friends...
When we feel that the weight 0f life is t00 much f0r us... When we cann0t carry anym0re burden... when 0ur 0wn self - defiance has tricked us and keeps 0n pushing us 0ff the main r0ad.. t0 wh0m d0 we call... they are angels sent f0rth by the divine being.. they were sent t0 abitrate hell's bludge0nings.. they cater t0 0ur needs at 0ur m0st despicable state... we call f0r them f0r help... they are y0ur friends...
What are we with0ut them... we must have c0mmited the m0st dreadful acti0ns... we must have l0st 0ur way in these c0nfusing life... we must have placed 0urselves int0 an asylum 0f depressi0n.. they served us as 0utlets... we can set 0ur s0ul free fr0m bleeding w0unds with there guidance... they fill in the emptiness that we feel when we are left unattended by heaven's divine gifts... when we take stupid ideas int0 c0nsiderati0n.. they are there t0 v0id them away... f0r all they want is f0r us t0 be happy... they are y0ur friends...
they have been there in my extreme ups... and stressful d0wns... they made me wh0 i am n0w... they t00k me int0 their carriage and sh0wed me true c0maraderie.... they made me smile when i felt my w0rld was in cha0s.. they were there t0 put me back up when i was t0rn apart... they made me laugh when tears fell fr0m my eyes... Cheered me up as i live in my life filled with th0rns and blades...
I am thankful f0r their enc0uragements... their supp0rt when my 0wn c0uld n0t care me anym0re... My w0rds are n0t en0ugh t0 give gratitude... t0 sh0w h0w great they have been t0 me... h0w much I thank G0d f0r letting y0u pass by me.. and interfere and mingle with my life... thank God f0r all0wing them t0 have time t0 reach 0ut t0 me... THANK Y0U the m0st t0 th0se pe0ple wh0 served as my friends.. th0se wh0 sh0wed me that life is n0t that g00d... but their are pe0ple g00d en0ugh t0 make it 0ne... thank y0u f0r being part 0f my stupid life...
friends... they act like shit when y0u d0nt need them... but is w0rth g0ld when y0ur at the peak 0f y0ur fall... It is s0 hard t0 find 0ne... s0 if y0u already have them... never ever let them g0... cause s00n en0ugh y0u shall surelly need their hand when y0u already fall...
Ive g0ne 0ut
1 comment:
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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